I had a big day in town this week waiting for a tow bar to be fitted to our new car and had nothing to really do, so I went 'thrifting' and had great luck. This was my most pleasing buy, 10 cents so it didn't break the bank! It has about a dozen very retro aprons for adults and kids. I can't wait to draft out some of the patterns and make them up.
I also picked up a Womans Day publication also 10 cents that had a few groovy stuffed toys that would look great made up in Amy Butler or Heather Bailey prints.
I found a book of early 70's knits for children and Darling Daughter fell in love with a 3 colour vest and of course I struck while the iron was hot and have it on my needles at the moment, maybe a photo to come this week.
Also bought a pair of deep blue Spanish mens woollen trousers for 50 cents that will make a lovely skirt for me this winter, looks like 'Manny Quin' my recently acquired mannequin will be doing some modelling work very soon if our cooler weather continues.
Another find was my first made in Japan retro cup, the beginning of a new collection!
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