Zoom, zoom and more zoom

A nice sunny afternoon on the veranda studying my camera and it's manual

Up the road and across to streets

Sorry neighbours up the road I hope you weren't walking around in your home naked

The island behind the point is 5km away

This makes the next village seem very close indeed

Technically not really spying on 'my girls'

A very absorbed Surfer Boy watching the box

Not long ago I decided to get in and buy some extra lens for my camera before they become unavailable now the new model camera is out. I bought a zoom and a wide angle and here are the first few playing around shots with the zoom. The principle reason for needing extra zoom was a request from Surfer Boy for better shots of him in action on the waves and that seems like a real possibility when I get used to all the extras and remembering to change the settings on the camera for each lens, I didn't remember this point when I heard a southerly blowing and there were 5 kite surfers making great use of our local beach! I did catch the action but the focus was a bit fuzzy.....very annoying.


Levin said...

lovely pics!
when i read your title i thought your post was going to be about mazdas. there catch phrase is 'zoom, zoom'. I know this and hundreds of other facts because Louis is absolutely, positively obsessed with mazdas at the moment. i've never seen such an obsession!
happy easter to all of you.

Mandi said...

Wonderful photos...am getting to the stage where I need a longer zoom too...and as for a wide angle ....well that goes without saying....have a great Easter...