My teenage daughter...........

............was once this blue eyed blonde curly haired little cutie. Our "Olivia Grace with the dirty face" as her brother used to call her was about 2 in these little black and white photos taken by a friend. I found them today while cleaning up my bedroom. Where have the years gone?
they grow so quickly - emily has just turned 15 and is delighted that she can now go to MA movies - but has found that none capture her attention!
my littlest has just turned five today and has just finished his first day of school! those five years just flew by.......
it's lovely to see them grow though.
Awwww...what a sweet face.
It all goes too quick, frightenly quick some times. My little girl has her first boyfriend and at 16 she thinks he is the centre of her universe and I am just "background stuff"
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