Introducing Squeak

What a lucky little girl, Miss Puss has a new playmate called 'Squeak' and she loves him, especially in the middle of the night! A little knitted mouse is so much fun to throw in the air and cathump around the house in the dark with...............she thinks so anyway, not sure about Dear Husband and I. Anyway this was a quick little knit with a scrap of pale grey wool and stuffed with chopped up cotton quilt batting, didn't have any catnip but I'm sure I can add some at a later date. Miss Puss is 8 but she still enjoys a good play with the kids or a little toy. This morning she was seen scampering down the yard with her tail in the air like a new lamb with a Wattle bird in hot pursuit squawking it's head off, very funny to watch.


Anonymous said...

Squeak is a cutie! I'm sure Miss Puss will enjoy having some company.

Meg said...

very cute, I just love that smug look on her face...

Nan said...

This is just too funny, I was just thinking last week I needed to make my 3 kitties some new catnip stuffed toys, they have either lost them, or torn them up. What a coincidence!

I realized my fellows needed new toys when they were having a great old time with a poor tree frog that had gotten in the house some how, that poor little frog was beyond rescue I am afraid... So that is why I noticed all their toys had disappeared either under the fridge or behind the sofa... The kitties are such fun to watch when they get a little catnip in them, but we do have a broken lamp now due to their behavior!