A friendly reminder to myself

If you can't read it, here is the transcription.
Q Are you the driver or the passenger in your life?
A I think I've locked myself in the boot

A good friend reminded me I had given her this tea towel a number of years ago when she was buried in work stress.  She had dragged it out again recently to show her colleagues and it reminded me that I need to check whether it is me who is driving my life more regularly.  Mum's and wives so often get lost in the business of family, we don't put ourselves first and let others walk all over us because we are so busy or tired. 

Judy Horacek is an Australian cartoonist, artist, writer and children’s book creator and has a great website, also a very entertaining blog.    I really love her latest blog post which is an advance showing of a book she illustrated called The Night Before Mother’s Day, it is a poem written by Doug McLeod telling of a mother lying in bed dreading the onslaught of Mother's Day.  To be released in April.  This hit a chord with me because I really dislike Mother's Day, it has turned out to be the most monumentally bad day of the year on many occasions for me.  This one began it all, I was 7 months pregnant with my first child and my husband said I didn't qualify because I wasn't a mother!!  If you not a mother when you a hugely pregnant then I'm not sure when you are!  My sister has cried  to herself on many Mother's Days because her husband ignores the days significance because my sister is not his mother and therefore never bothered to help their 3 kids make Mother's Day special for her at all.  Not that he buys his mother a gift either!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! Can't live with them, sometimes living without them seems quite appealing lol